Frequently Asked Questions


Make a demo recording, with English presentation showing us your personal 70s - 80s Disco/funk music taste.and send it to our studio email box, for more info contact us.

You can put the Media Player on "repeat" so it will automatically reconnect if the stream drops. VLC media player is the most recommended player at this moment

You can listen with VLC Player,Windows Media Player,Winamp,RealPlayer,QuickTime or the AIMP2 Player. Those players are recommended by DanceGroove Radio, or use one of the players displayed on our website.

Yes DanceGroove Radio is completely funded by the team and also kind donations that come from our listeners who push the 'donate' button on our web pages and contribute via PayPal to ensure that the great music on the station continues today and into the future..

You have to login via our website! No Registration required you can login as guest .however, there are some rules. 1: Proper behaviour.(Being polite, friendly, normal language. 2: No advertising ,or posting external links. 3: Use English language. That's all, so......enjoy chatting!

Requests are welcome through e-mail (see our contact page) You can also drop some requests in our chatroom durning the live shows! Look at the DJ profiles of who is taking requests!!

For more info or other questions feel free to contact our studio.

We get a lot of requests to supply music for personal collections. Because of the copyrights it is not allowed for us to do that, we will not supply them in any way! We will not respond to any request for files!

128 kbps main stream

or by IP adress